
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober 14, 2018

Causes of Bloody Vagina After Sexual Relationship

Causes of Bloody Vagina After Sexual Relationship Vaginal bleeding is not foreign to women. Every month we experience it in the menstrual period. Bleeding vagina is also common (though not always) the first time a woman loses virginity. But what about when blood comes out of the vagina after intercourse, even though you are no longer a virgin? Some of the causes are often only mild things that need not be worried. But it also cannot be ignored, because there are several possible causes to watch out for. What are the causes of vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse? 1. Cervicitis Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix, located further down, the narrow end of the uterus and connecting to the vagina. Sometimes, there are no signs or symptoms shown when suffering from cervicitis. However, the symptoms found can be bleeding when you are not menstruating, and changes in the fluid that comes out of the vagina - like vaginal discharge. Other symptoms include pain during intercourse and bl

Causes of Vulvodynia, Vaginal Pain That Doesn't Gone Missing

Causes of Vulvodynia, Vaginal Pain That Doesn't Gone Missing If the vagina feels painful, doing all kinds of activities becomes uncomfortable. Starting from sitting, driving, until having sex. Unfortunately, vaginal pain can affect anyone indiscriminately. But what actually causes vaginal pain and how to overcome it? Consider the following answers. Symptoms of vaginal pain Pain in female genital organs is known as vulvodynia. You who have this condition may feel symptoms such as pain, pain, heat, or pain in the genital area. Some people also report itching that sometimes attacks. However, not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Because, there are two types of vulvodynia that may attack women. Pay attention to the types and symptoms below, let's. Vaginal pain in all places Pain may be felt throughout the genitals, without exception. Or the pain moves, at different times. Even without being touched or pressed, the vagina can just hurt. Vaginal pain in a certain place Vaginal

Relax, Often Having Sex Will Not Make Your Vagina Stretchy

Relax, Often Having Sex Will Not Make Your Vagina Stretchy Have you ever heard the myth that women who have had frequent vaginal sex will loosen up? This belief has indeed been circulating since ancient times. This is because in ancient times knowledge about the way the vagina worked in the lay community was still limited. In fact, as often as anything having sex will not make the vagina stretchy. The vagina is one of the strong and versatile female organs. So, you don't need to worry about vaginal stretches due to sex. Check out the following full review to find out why. Is it true that too much love makes the vagina stretchy? The myth that the vagina will stretch if you have sex often departs from a wrong understanding of this female organ. Many people believe that the vagina was initially very tight. However, when a woman has had sex for a long time the vagina will stretch because of multiple sex penetration. This is certainly a big mistake. First, you must first understand how

5 Symptoms of Trichomoniasis Gender in Women

5 Symptoms of Trichomoniasis Gender in Women Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite named Trichomonas vaginalis (TV). This disease is one of the most common types of venereal disease. This infection is not fatal, but can lead to complications, such as infertility, infection of the vaginal skin tissue in women. Trichomoniasis can attack men and women, but sexually active young women are more susceptible to contracting, because this disease is transmitted through intimate relationships. Although it can be treated, trichomoniasis makes it uncomfortable and can cause further complications. Early detection is the best way to control disease and get appropriate medical help. For women, knowing the symptoms can ensure proper and fast treatment. What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis? Trichomoniasis often has no symptoms. The Center For Disease Control and Prevention reports that only 30 percent of people with trichomoniasis report symptoms. In one study, 85 per

Tips for Caring for a Vagina According to Age Changes Every Woman Should Know

Tips for Caring for a Vagina According to Age Changes Every Woman Should Know As with skin and hair that will change with age, women's sex organs are the same. Gradually, you may realize that the shape of the vagina is not the same as a few years before. So, for how to treat the vagina itself, is there a difference that must be considered? How do you treat your vagina according to your age? Vaginal changes usually begin when a woman has entered puberty. Stepping on this time, you are advised to be more diligent in maintaining the health of your vagina as a whole. Come on, find out about how to care for your personal organs! How to treat your vagina in your 20s The peak of female sex hormones - such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone - is increasing rapidly at this age. Especially for those of you who are married and actively having sex, the vagina is at risk of being attacked by various microbes that cause disease. In order to keep your vagina healthy, you are encouraged to

Find Out When You Are Ovulating, Based on Whitish Color

Find Out When You Are Ovulating, Based on Whitish Color If you are trying to get pregnant, recognizing signs of ovulation through vaginal discharge can be a key factor in your success. Ovulation is a fertile period where your body releases one or more eggs from the ovary. If the egg is fertilized and successfully implanted in the uterus, you can get pregnant. But if you go through that fertile period, you are not pregnant. By learning to detect physical signs of ovulation through the stages of the vaginal cycle, you can schedule intimate relationships as accurately as possible and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Another way to find out when you are ovulating is with the Fertile Calculator that you can use by clicking on the image below: When is the most ideal pregnancy time based on the color of vaginal discharge? Days 1-5 Days 1-5 in your menstrual cycle are times where your menstruation is taking place. At this time, there will be a little vaginal discharge coming out. And

8 Tips for Maintaining Vaginal Health If You Cycling Often

8 Tips for Maintaining Vaginal Health If You Cycling Often You who often ride a bicycle may be familiar with the sensation of pain or numbness in your intimate area after cycling. Cycling can indeed make the vagina hurt, but that does not mean that this type of healthy exercise is not recommended for women. You can, prevent vaginal pain when cycling. Check out various tips to protect the vagina when cycling. Tips to protect the vagina when cycling and afterwards Before taking a walk or exercising on a bicycle, pay attention to things that can help protect the vagina due to the following cycling. 1. Adjust the saddle height A 2012 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who cycled with saddle positions higher than bicycle handlebars were more prone to having vaginal pain when cycling. So, adjust the height of the saddle so that the height is right. With the right position, you can also divide the body weight into your arms, not just the pelvis. 2. Choose a saddle that i

Powder sowing on the vagina can trigger ovarian cancer?

Powder sowing on the vagina can trigger ovarian cancer? Powder has been used for generations as a baby fragrance as well as to keep the skin dry and avoid rashes. Some women also use powder in the vagina as a way to keep the vagina dry and fragrant. But behind his gentleness, powder saves secrets that are more troubling. Based on a series of scientific studies and research collected since the last few decades, health experts are increasingly pushing women to no longer sow powder to scent their intimate areas. They voiced firmly that this habit can increase the risk of ovarian cancer by 20-30 percent. How come? What is contained in powder? Talcum powder is widely used in cosmetic products such as baby powder and body powder, facial powder, and in a number of other consumer products. Powder is also often used by women as a way to keep the vagina cool, rough, and free of odors. Classic powder on the market contains talcum. Talcum is a fine grain produced from the process of crushing, dryi

Can Menopause Women Still Reach Orgasm?

Women who will or have entered menopause often complain of some changes in their body. Besides being declining physical health, they also began to worry about their sexual lives with their partners. Some women feel afraid that later they cannot orgasm again if they have sex at menopause. Is that right? Consider the following facts. Can I still orgasm if I have sex at menopause? The menopause will indeed bring many changes to your sexual life and your partner. Starting from a decrease in libido, aka sexual arousal, losing interest in sex, to having difficulty orgasm. This was revealed by Dr. Virginia A. Sadock, a psychiatrist and leader of the Program in Human Sexuality and Sex Therapy at New York University's Langone Medical Center. As we get older, the levels of the hormone estrogen aka sex hormones in women will drop dramatically. This causes the vaginal lining to become thin (vaginal atrophy) and vaginal dryness. This condition causes blood flow to the clitoris and vagina to bec

4 Causes Lumps Appear in Your Vaginal Hole

4 Causes Lumps Appear in Your Vaginal Hole In addition to causing pain and discomfort, a lump in the vagina can reduce pleasure during sexual intercourse. Usually a lump in this vaginal opening has its own risks, and it will be a serious problem if you ignore it. Causes of vaginal lumps A lump in the vagina can be caused by an infection. Infection of the genital area is usually a sign of a serious problem, especially if left silent without taking medical action. Here are some possibilities that can occur: 1. Genital warts In some cases, sometimes the warts also settle in your genital area. The form of this wart is usually a small lump, and the color resembles skin color. Genital warts can basically disappear by themselves, but not infrequently will also perch for a long time and cause infection. Genital warts are caused by the genital human papilloma virus (HPV), and have been shown to often be associated with the presence of cervical cancer in women. If, you suspect signs of warts on

3 Safe and Effective Ways to Close Your Vagina

3 Safe and Effective Ways to Close Your Vagina One problem that is often experienced by women but shame is expressed is a vagina that is not as close as before. Actually, this problem is quite common and in most cases is a natural thing. However, a loosened vagina may make you not confident and not get maximum pleasure in bed. In addition, a vaginal tightness may cause conditions such as urinary incontinence. Well, you don't need to worry. With proper care and technique, the vagina can be rejuvenated again. There are various ways to close your vagina that you can try. The following is a complete review of each method. 1. Gymnastics to tighten the vagina The vagina can relax due to various things. It could be because the lower pelvic muscles in your vaginal area are weakened or because the vaginal skin layer is loosened. If during sex you do not feel the sensation of a vaginal bite that is strong enough, it could be the cause is your pelvic muscles are weakened. This may occur due t

Mengerikannya Jembatan Shirath

"Telah sampai kepadaku bahwanya shirath itu lebih tipis dari rambut dan lebih tajam dari pedang" (HR. Muslim) . Subhanallah.. Dapatkah kita melewatinya? Berada diatas seutas tali yang bawahnya sungai saja sangat menegangkan, bahkan berjalan diatasnya dijadikan ajang uji adrenalin yang terkadang orangpun takut melakukannya. . Namun Shiroth lebih-lebih seram daripada itu. Bayangkan saja, lebih tipis dari rambut.  Dan lebih tajam dr pedang. Dibentangkan lurus di atas neraka jahannam. Betapa sulitnya bagi kita untuk berjalan menyeberang di atasnya. Pasti banyak yang tertatih, berdarah, bahkan terpeleset dan jatuh ke dalam neraka jahannam 😢 . Tetapi Allah Maha Perkasa sekaligus Maha Bijaksana. Ia akan mudahkan bagi hamba-Nya yang bertaqwa. Yang lebih memilih jalan terjal yang penuh rintangan, dibandingkan jalan mulus namun mengantarkan pada kemaksiatan. . Sudahkan pilihan hidup kita demikian? Ingatlah! pilihan kita sekarang akan menentukan nasib kita #SesudahDunia

40 Hari Setelah Meninggal

Apakah benar mitos yang beredar kalau seseorang meninggal Ruhnya masih ada di lingkungan rumahnya? . Bismillah Alila coba jawab pertanyaan diatas ya dear.. Pertanyaan ini sama dengan pertanyaan temen Alila yang kerabatnya meninggal dunia beberapa hari yang lalu. Dia menceritakan bahwa beberapa hari yang lalu, keluarganya ada yang mendengar suara-suara aneh dirumah. Kemudian menurut orang-orang tua ditempatnya, itu adalah arwah si mati yang masih berada dirumah. Kononnya arwah orang yang meninggal masih berada dirumah selama 40 hari setelah kematiannya. . Hal seperti ini memang sudah tertanam di benak kita sejak turun temurun dan bahkan sudah ada yang menjadi sebuah keyakinan orang muslim. Masalah inilah yang akan saya angkat agar tidak lagi terjadi salah kaprah dalam pandangan umat islam. . Orang yang sudah meninggal, maka terputuslah segala urusan duniawi-nya kecuali 3 hal yaitu : Amal Jariyah, Ilmu yang bermanfaat, Doa dari anak yang shaleh Dalam hal ini tidak ada Nash yang menya


Apakah akhirat itu benar-benar akhir kehidupan? Dan tidak ada lagi kematian setelah itu? . Setiap manusia akan menghadapi lima tahapan kehidupan yaitu mulai dari [1] sesuatu yang tidak ada, kemudian [2] berada dalam kandungan, kemudian [3] berada di alam dunia, kemudian [4] memasuki alam barzakh (alam kubur) dan terakhir [5] memasuki kehidupan akhirat. Dan hari akhir inilah tahapan akhir kehidupan manusia. (Lihat Syarh Al Aqidah Al Wasithiyah, Ibnu Utsaimin, 352) . Benarkah tidak ada kematian di akhirat? Ya, Kita kekal di dalamnya. Sebagaimana firman Allah Subhanahuwata'ala : “Adapun orang-orang yang celaka, maka (tempatnya) di dalam neraka, di dalamnya mereka mengeluarkan dan menarik nafas (dengan merintih), mereka kekal di dalamnya selama ada langit dan bumi, kecuali jika Tuhanmu menghendaki (yang lain). Sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Pelaksana terhadap apa yang Dia kehendaki. Adapun orang-orang yang berbahagia, maka tempatnya di dalam syurga, mereka kekal di dalamnya selama ada l

Zaman Yang Aneh

Inilah kondisi moral di zaman Now, melihat sudut pandang kebenaran berdasarkan nafsu, bukan wahyu. Feminis menganggap bahwa hijab atau cadar adalah doktrin agama untuk mendiskriminasi kedudukan perempuan. Padahal anggapan itu salah besar. . Mereka tidak memahami bagaimana fitrah yang telah Allah tetapkan kepada pria dan wanita. Lelaki itu akan selalu tertarik jika melihat wanita, dan wanita akan selalu menarik perhatian para lelaki dan itu tidak bisa di cabut dari fitrah keduanya. Oleh karenanya, Allah tetapkan segala aturanNya untuk menjaga kehormatan manusia, agar tetap hidup dengan aman dan nyaman. . Pemikiran feminisme tidak akan pernah sejalan dengan pemikiran Islam. Karena fitrahnya Islam itu menyelamatkan, sedangkan pemikiran manusia yang berasal dari nafsu seperti feminis ini hanya akan melahirkan kedzhaliman.

Zaman Wanita Terbaik vs Zaman Wanita Terburuk

Teruntuk saudara muslimahku, Apa bedanya wanita zaman rasul dan wanita zaman now? . Kalo wanita zaman rasul, bersuara untuk taat, sedangkan wanita zaman sekarang bersuara untuk maksiat 😢 . Miris yaa dear. Dulu, Orang-orang  itu sibuk mencari kebenaran. Karena apa? Karena kehidupan jahiliyah itu sungguh menyiksa, penuh ketidakadilan, apalagi untuk wanita. Maka ketika Rasulullah SAW diutus menyampaikan Islam dengan Firman Allah yang Mahaadil, orang-orang yang lembut hatinya, orang-orang yang mau berpikir, berduyun-duyun mencicipi manisnya iman, indahnya Islam, dan paham betapa Islam memuliakan wanita. . Keadaan berbalik, orang-orang zaman sekarang justru sibuk mencari pembenaran atas kemaksiatan yang ia lakukan. Hukum Allah dibilang tidak relevan, sehingga dibuatlah olehnya hukum2 baru berdasarkan pemikirannya sendiri. Apakah masalah selesai? Sementara, eh engga deng. Bahkan muncul masalah-masalah baru yang makin "complicated". Siap-siap mengalami kemunduran pemikiran, kem

Rapatkan Shaf Ketika Sholat

".....Rapatkan Shaf" kata imam sebelum sholat berjamaah. Tapi gara-gara sajadah yang kita pakai terlalu lebar, kadang kita enggan untuk merapatkan shaf, menggeser atau menumpuk sajadah kita dengan orang lain demi bisa menciptakan lingkungan sholat berjamaah yang sempurna, yaitu dengan shaf yang rapat. 😅 . Dear.. Tahukah kamu? Shaff yang renggang merupakan celah bagi syetan untuk menggoda kita. . Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda : “Luruskanlah shaf-shaf, sejajarkanlah pundak dengan pundak, isilah bagian yang masih renggang, bersikap lembutlah terhadap lengan teman-teman kalian (ketika mengatur shaf), dan jangan biarkan ada celah untuk (dimasuki oleh) syaithan. Barangsiapa yang menyambung shaf maka Allah akan menyambungnya (dengan rahmat-Nya), dan barangsiapa yang memutus shaf maka Allah akan memutuskannya (dari rahmat-Nya).” [HR Abu Daud (666). Hadits shahih.] . Dalam hadits ini disebutkan mengandung beberapa makna yaitu : a. Perintah untuk meluruskan shaf, yaitu dengan cara men

Aurat Wanita

Bagaiamana batasan aurat didepan wanita non muslim ? apakah jika kita satu asrama atau satu kamar dengan non muslim harus memakai hijab syar’i 24 jam? . Bismjllah, Alila coba jawab ya dear 😊 Ada beberapa pendapat tentang batasan aurat didepan wanita non muslim, Namun Alila mengambil dalil yang tidak memperlihatkan aurat kepada wanita non muslmm karena di takutkan ada fitnah . "Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kudung kedadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya kecuali kepada suami mereka, atau ayah mereka, atau ayah suami mereka, atau putera-putera mereka, atau putera-putera suami mereka, atau saudara-saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putera-putera saudara lelaki mereka, atau putera-putera saudara perempuan mereka, atau wanita-wanita islam, atau budak-budak yang mereka miliki, atau pelayan-pelayan laki-laki yang tidak mempunyai keinginan (terhadap wanita) atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat wanita.” (QS. An-Nur: 31). .  Pada kalimat “Ø£َÙˆْ Ù†ِسَائِÙ‡ِÙ†َّ” yang

Stop Maksiat, Mari Ngaji

Gak bisa dipungkiri, bagi kita yang dulu pernah melalukan kemaksiatan, bahwa maksiat itu Asik dan menyenangkan, tapi kita juga menyadari bahwa setelahnya pasti ada rasa Hampa, dan yang parahnya lagi adalah berbuah DOSA. Kenapa? karena kemaksiatan itu dihiasi oleh Syaithan. Syaithan menggiring kita untuk menikmati asiknya bermaksiat, sampe akhirnya lupa dan terlena bahwa yang didepan matanya adalah kobaran api neraka. . Berbeda dengan Taat. Ternyata bagi kita yang sudah bertaubat dari maksiat dan berusaha untuk taat, merasakan pula bagaimana ke-asikkan yang tiada duanya. Bahkan rasa Asik ini tak pernah diakhiri dengan kehampaan melainkan ketenangan. Kenapa? karena ketaatan ini Allah sendirilah yang menjaminkan kebahagiaan setelahnya. Dan lebih kerennya lagi, rasa Asik yang kita rasakan akan berbuah Surga yang Asiknya tak dapat dibayangkan. . Maka logikanya adalah, jika maksiat itu asik dan taat pun ternyata gak kalah asik, kenapa kita memilih maksiat yang asiknya berujung hampa dan



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