
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember 9, 2018

Easy Oily Hair Even After Washing? The following causes

Who is not annoyed if the hair is still often oily even though it's been shampooing regularly? In addition to causing discomfort, oily hair can also make the appearance look unattractive because it looks limp, Worse yet, this problem can also lead to the appearance of dandruff and the appearance of pimples on the face. To overcome this problem, you can actually rely on hair care products. But before looking for the right treatment product, you should first know several factors that cause oily easy hair in the following article. Vitamin B deficiency Vitamin B has the role of accelerating oil production, maintaining moisture, and healthy hair. Therefore, lack of vitamin B can result in accumulation of oil production on the skin, including the scalp. To avoid this problem, make sure you consume sufficient amounts of B vitamins. Well, of the many types of B vitamins that exist, try to consume vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) which can help fight oily hair by controll

Tips for Caring for Thin and Sensitive Lips

During this time, you may accidentally focus more on treating facial skin to forget other areas, including lips. In fact, this part of the face is often in direct contact with lipstick, which if not treated can cause various problems, one of which is dryness. Likewise with those of you who like to change lipstick, be careful! Because the skin of the lips can be sensitive, thinner, and the possibility of irritating effects will arise. If this has already happened, make sure you do this to treat it to be healthy again! Stop the Habit of Licking Lips Reported by, licking the lips will initially provide a sense of comfort because it makes it feel more moist and not dry anymore. Unfortunately, this habit will actually make the condition of the lips increasingly dry. This is because the skin of the lips does not have as many protective membranes as the rest of the skin, so the saliva that hits the lips will evaporate and make it drier. Avoid Phenol Content If you have ever

Tips for Brightening the Skin of the Groin with Turmeric Powder

Black or dull groin area often makes a woman lose self-confidence. Moreover, when he was in front of her husband. Regarding the blackening of the groin skin itself can be caused by many things. It starts from the use of underpants too tight, the use of jeans that are too tight, addition or use of synthetic pants and even hormonal imbalances. When the skin of the groin is blackened, it's best not to panic first ladies. There are several natural ways that can be done to re-lighten the crotch skin. Launching from the page, one natural way that can be done is to use turmeric powder. A very easy way is to mix 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of lime juice. Mix evenly to form a paste or mask. Apply to the groin while being massaged or rubbed gently. Let stand for about 10 minutes then rinse with clean water as usual. Nutrients contained in turmeric powder are believed to brighten the skin naturally. While the nutrients contained in lime juice are useful i

Simple But Effective Steps to Overcome Tired and Dull Faces

Inevitably, the appearance of a dull and tired face can indeed reduce one's confidence. There are also many causes. Starting from the frequent exposure to sun exposure, pollution, dust, to a less than optimal cleansing process. Besides relying on skin care products with lightening content, overcoming tired and dull face skin can also be done in other ways, you know. Curious? To find out, see the tips here! Light Massage Who would have thought if a routine light massage on the face would bring many benefits to the skin? Yup! Light massage is known to facilitate the flow of blood circulation which can make the appearance of facial skin look brighter and fresher. The method is quite simple and easy to do, how come! Start with a circular motion from the middle area to the outside of the face to maximize the lymphatic system. To maximize the massage results, don't forget to add a few drops of face oil to this routine! Reduce Salt Intake The problem commonly experienced by those of y

Tips to Overcome Acne with Apple Vinegar

Caring for the skin by using ingredients in the kitchen has indeed become a very common thing to do. Starting from fruit, vegetables, eggs, milk, oatmeal, to baking soda, there are only beauty benefits that can be obtained from these ingredients. In addition, there are apparently other kitchen ingredients that are very popular and are often considered the holy grail by some skin care enthusiasts. Yup! Especially if it's not apple cider vinegar. Although classified as rather rarely used in Tokyo cuisine, but apple vinegar is a kitchen ingredient that is often used daily in America and some other countries. Some of the loyal readers of Beauty Journal might also have heard that when used as a toner, apple vinegar can help overcome acne and make the skin cleaner! Well, if you are curious and interested in trying apple vinegar toner, try to know the following five things first! 1. There are Several Types of Apple Vinegar Before determining your preferred brand, do you know that apple ci

Causes of Decay in a Forehead that Doesn't Go Lost

Stunts or small pimples that appear like a group on the face are very disturbing appearance. One area of ​​the face that is most often experiencing stunting is the forehead. As with acne, which has a size that is large enough and often accompanied by pain, beruntusan generally do not cause these effects. Although the size is relatively small, it often comes by 'ganging up' and can last for quite a long time. Well, before deciding to take steps to treat it, it's good to first know the cause here! Triggered by stress Living a race against time and all the work deadlines that exist, of course does not rule out the possibility of stress. Apart from having an effect on the mind and mood, excessive stress seems to also affect the skin which can lead to the appearance of strands on the forehead. This strain arises as a reaction to your emotions that are less stable due to stress. To overcome this, try to free your mind and enjoy more in living life! Hormonal Excessive increase in

Benefits of Goat Milk for Skin in Bath Soap

Bathing is a thing that we often do every day, to maintain a clean body. Soap is also one of the skin treatments that must be used when bathing, so that the skin remains moist. Soap made from goat's milk can be the right choice because it has properties make the skin so smooth and sleek.  In fact, this soap became the mainstay of Queen Cleopatra, you know. "Goat milk has high anti-oxidants to make the skin healthy and moist. So, it will not make the skin dry," explained the Promotion Manager of PT Megasurya Mas, Mirna F Ambarsari, as released by Vemale. In addition, goat milk also contains Alhpa Alpha-hydroxyl Acid (AHA), which acts as an exoliator agent. This makes using goat milk soap regularly will help make the body clean from acne scars stains. However, you also still have to be careful in choosing products carefully and well. Because, many soap products are mixed with bleach so that it is not pure goat's milk. But there is an easy way to test it Ladies. "Tr

The Routine Benefits of Eating Almond Milk for Beauty

In addition to fruits and vegetables, almond milk is known to store many benefits because it is rich in nutrients and nutrients that are good for the body. According to Kristin Kirkpatrick, a Dietitian and Manager of Health Nutrition Services at the Cleveland Clinic's Wellness Institute, almond milk has a 50% lower fat content compared to cow's milk. Apart from not containing cholesterol, this vegetable-sourced milk is also safe for vegans to consume. In fact, even women who are on a diet will feel safer when consuming this milk without worrying about fat. In terms of body health, regular drinking of almond milk can maintain heart health, help lose weight, reduce the risk of diabetes, even safe for consumption by someone who has lactose intolerance. Besides storing a myriad of health benefits, almond milk is also good for treating skin beauty. The content of vitamin E is stored in it, making almond milk effective in nourishing and caring for the skin. For those of you who like

Benefits of Seed Leaves for Beauty You Need to Know

Fruit with green skin color and red flesh color is quite believed to be one of the natural ingredients that are widely recommended in curing dengue fever. But, do you know that besides the fruit, the leaves of guava also have a myriad of benefits to overcome various problems? Just say, eczema, zits, to deal with hair loss. Instead of getting curious, see the explanation directly below, let's! Overcoming Eczema Guava leaves can be used to treat inflammation due to atopic or eczema because it has anti-allergic properties that help prevent the production of histamine, a compound produced by the body to fight foreign substances. To deal with eczema with guava leaves, all you need to do is prepare some dried guava leaves. After being mashed, put it in a pan filled with boiling water. Let stand until the cooking water turns brown. After changing color, turn off the heat and cool the cooking water. In a situation that has cooled, take the cotton and dip it into the cooking water. Apply th

Overcome Acne with Strawberries, How Do You Do Ladies?

Not only delicious to eat it turns out that this one fruit can also be used for various kinds of beauty treatments, you know. Strawberries are actually useful for dealing with acne. Strawberries contain natural Salicylic Acid. This substance is commonly found in various acne medications. That's why this fruit is very useful for removing acne on the face. Amazingly, the use of natural strawberry masks can help to reduce stubborn acne without making the skin dry. This strawberry fruit is also rich in vitamin C which contains antioxidants to fight free radicals. Well, here is how to make a strawberry mask to deal with stubborn pimples on your face: Prepare: strawberry lemon Blend both ingredients, then apply a mask that has been made evenly. Let stand for a few moments so that nutrients can be absorbed perfectly. It is recommended that you rinse your face with warm water. Strawberry mixed with lemon is rich in vitamin C which is very good for the beauty of your skin

Why is Yogurt a Super Healthy Food? This is the reason

So far, people only know that yogurt is a healthy food that is good for digestion. But not many know what nutrients are in yogurt so that these foods can be categorized as healthy foods. Actually how healthy is yogurt? Reporting from Women's Health, nutritionist Karen Ansel, R.D. say that one cup of yogurt contains probiotics, calcium, potassium, and protein so that it includes the healthiest food you can eat. Not only that, yogurt that has undergone fermentation also decreases the amount of fat so it is lower in calories. But what about the sugar content that is often added to yogurt? Apparently, even though as much as 16 grams of sugar per serving in yogurt looks quite high, keep in mind that all yogurt, although not yet flavored, naturally does have little sugar. Karen Ansel explains that natural sugars are balanced by all the proteins, calcium, and potassium that are packaged in them too.

Beware Ladies, Sleeping Less Than 4 Hours Can Increase Your Risk of Early Aging

Health experts recommend that we have enough sleep every day. The time stated enough to sleep is 6 to 8 hours. More or less than that can endanger health. The danger starts from increasing the risk of obesity to increase the risk of premature aging. Not only everything that is excessive is dangerous for health. Everything that is not too good is not good. Including lack of sleep by sleeping less than 4 hours every day. Launching from page, sleeping less than 4 hours can increase the risk of premature aging. Someone who is used to staying up late and sleeping very briefly every day will look 9 years older than the original age. People who sleep less than 4 hours are believed to experience decreased thinking ability. Even more terrible, people who are used to staying up will experience a decrease in reasoning ability, verbal ability as well as the ability to remember. The researcher explained that sleep that is lacking can make a person more easily lose their short and long ter

How to do an Analysis to Maximize SEO Performance

Many people who think SEO is only a job done once during the life of the website. Not so. SEO is an ongoing process. A website owner must continue to observe its performance on their website while making efforts to maximize SEO. But we are currently blind. To be able to do optimization, you have to know what is happening on your website ... ... What numbers appear, whether there is an increase or decrease in performance. Without knowing the relevant numbers, we will not know at all what needs to be addressed and what is good. Therefore, follow this guide so that you can always get maximum SEO performance. Things you should know (and do): Because valuation is the last process in SEO, you must first do this: On-page SEO: Website page optimization Off-page SEO: Link building and popularity The principle of content marketing in SEO (The 3 guides above are previous chapters in this series of SEO guides) After that, you are ready for the first step. 1. Integrate Search Console and Google Ana

14 Techniques to Build Quality Backlinks to Increase Ranking and Get Traffic

Link building is a way to get backlinks from other websites to your website. If you want to get a lot of visitors, then you must occupy the top position in the search results. In order to get a good ranking, you need a backlink. This is because backlinks are one of the main factors in SEO. But it's not that easy ... At present Google (and other search engines) are becoming very strict in backlink selection. So not all backlinks can have a positive effect on your website. Backlinks that are obtained carelessly will not provide positive benefits, even in the long run can be dangerous. Remember these 2 concepts: Natural and quality. These two factors will determine the effect of the backlink foundation that you build. To get a backlink like this you need special techniques. This technique is what you will learn now. Major changes in link building I understand, you definitely want to immediately learn the technique of link building so you can get as many links as possible. …Wait a minu

Off-Page SEO: Building Links and Popularity

Off-page SEO is search engine optimization efforts from outside the website. Optimizing from a website, or on-page SEO is often not enough to get a high ranking in search results. Especially for new websites that don't have an audience, unless the keyword competition is quite low. Why backlinks are very important To understand the importance of off-page SEO, I will explain a little about the relationship between search engines and links. Search engines like Google have a bot that is tasked with crawling on the internet. Google's crawler is called Googlebot Googlebot moves from the website to the website through the links listed on each website page. From the data collected by Googlebot, an index and ranking order are arranged. Because Googlebot uses links as navigation, websites that have external links will have high priority. The more and the higher the quality of the link, the better the ranking of the website. This is why links from other websites (backlinks) play an import

Content Marketing As a Main Part of an SEO Strategy

In this guide you will become acquainted with the most important part of any SEO strategy: Content marketing. SEO and content marketing today are like two sides in a coin. In the past, an error that often happened to a content marketer did not pay attention to SEO. Likewise with an SEO practitioner, not paying attention to content. Both parties consider it useless. As a result, the website development process does not run optimally. The right content marketing strategy and assisted search engine optimization are the keys to success of your website and online business. In fact, almost all forms of online marketing that rely on SEO will depend on content. After reading this guide, you - as an SEO practitioner - will have a mindset like a content marketer ... and vice versa. What is content marketing? Content marketing is marketing efforts carried out by providing useful content for other people so that they know your business / business. This marketing technique is very popular, we can s

Keyword Research and Competition Analysis

What is keyword research (keyword research) and what is meant by competition analysis? Users search on search engines using keywords or keywords, and the machine will produce results that are relevant to those keywords. With the help of tools from Google, we can do research to get keywords that are popular or those with low competition. The importance of keyword research At the beginning of my career as a blogger, because I did not understand about keyword research, I made an article on the topic of no search. I was surprised, even though the article was ranked number 1 on Google search results but why didn't it get traffic? It was only after I understood keyword research that I realized that the keywords I was looking for were no one looking for. So, keyword research is important so that we don't get tired of making articles and finally nobody reads. Then what is meant by competition analysis? For a new blog or website whose SEO foundation is not strong, there are times when w

On-Page SEO: Optimizing Website and Website Content for Search Engines

On-page SEO is the factors that determine whether or not your website is optimized for search engines seen from its own website. That is, you will do an optimization on your own website. On-page optimization aims to let search engines know whether your website is relevant / in accordance with what is sought by the user. And really the best quality. Therefore, the key is 2 things: relevant, quality. Without fulfilling both, it is impossible to get rank 1 in the search engine. In this article, we will study in any part of the website you must implement on-page optimization and how to do the optimization. On-page SEO concept In SEO, the on-page optimization concept is a MAIN thing that you must understand. There are still other optimization categories besides on-page (off-page, discussed in the next chapter), but without implementing on-page optimization it will be useless to do other strategies. The essence of on-page SEO is simple ... ... you will optimize the website so: High useful fo



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