3 Sexual Diseases That Attack Women Most Often

3 Sexual Diseases That Attack Women Most Often

Reported from Medical Daily, the CDC cautioned that venereal disease causes infertility in nearly 24 thousand women every year. This figure shows that women are also susceptible to venereal disease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse. What are the venereal diseases that often strike women?

The most common venereal disease in women, plus ways to prevent it
1. Chlamydia
Twice more cases of chlamydia are found in women than men. Chlamydia is caused by a bacterial infection called chlamydia trachomatis and can be transmitted through sex. Worse yet, chlamydia can be transmitted through the mother and to her newborn baby.

This venereal disease in women does not immediately cause symptoms, but can appear after a few weeks of being infected for the first time. One characteristic of chlamydia is the discharge of vaginal discharge and heavy bleeding during menstruation.

If you want to clean the vagina, you can choose a vaginal cleanser containing povidone-iodine. Female cleansers containing povidone-iodine, can increase good bacteria in the vagina and prevent bacterial infections.

2. Gonorrhea or gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is an infection of the gonococcal bacteria that can be transmitted from person to person when you have sexual contact with an infected person, or are exposed to their bodily fluids. Usually found in the vaginal fluid of an infected person. Therefore, gonorrhea can also be transmitted from mother to child.

The initial symptoms may be very mild or not so clear that they are often mistaken for vaginal infections or urinary tract infections. Symptoms of gonorrhea that often appear, both in men and women, among them are when urinating will feel painful or sore and the discharge of a thick liquid such as pus yellow or green from the vagina or penis.

However, the infection will spread to the female pelvic organs if it is not treated immediately and can cause vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal pain, fever, and pain during sexual intercourse.

3. Genital herpes
Genital herpes is a venereal disease caused by the herpes simplex virus or often called HSV. This is usually found in a red rash around the mouth, anus and genitals for sure. Sometimes these venereal diseases in women can cause pain or itching during urination.

4. Syphilis
Just like chlamydia, syphilis is one of the venereal diseases in women whose symptoms are not detected. It takes up to 90 days for women to really get syphilis. If detected early, syphilis will be more easily cured and will not cause permanent damage. However, untreated syphilis can cause serious damage to the brain or nervous system and other organs, including the heart.


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