Endometriosis Makes Women More Frequent Alternating Pissing. Why?

Endometriosis Makes Women More Frequent Alternating Pissing. Why?

Endometriosis is a condition of thickening of the uterine wall tissue that makes menstruation feel very very painful and irregular. But apparently, there is one more symptom of endometriosis which is often underestimated because it is considered natural. In some women, endometriosis can cause them to urinate more often - especially during menstruation. I wonder why?

Frequent urination can be a symptom of endometriosis

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue that is supposed to grow in the womb grows outside.

When menstruating, the lining of the endometrium in the uterine wall should be shed and come out as menstrual blood. But in the case of endometriosis, the blood is actually trapped and cannot come out because it is outside the uterus.

As a result, this causes irritation and inflammation of the female reproductive organs. That's why most women will experience unbearable menstrual pain.

It should be noted that not all women will experience the same symptoms of endometriosis. There are those who experience severe menstrual pain, but there are also those who don't even feel any symptoms. Because the pain due to symptoms of endometriosis is affected by the location where the endometrial tissue grows.

If the abnormal endometriosis tissue actually grows in the urinary organs, then you may experience problems when urinating. Usually, you become more frequent urinating every day and even experience bloody urine.

Why is that?

A director of the Center for Gynepathology Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Linda Griffith, PhD said that endometrial tissue most often grows in the bladder area. This endometrial layer will suppress the bladder and give rise to the sensation of wanting to urinate. In medical terms, this condition is called endometriosis bladder.

A study from the journal Urologia Internationalis in 2012 revealed that 30 percent of women who experience bladder endometriosis often experience no symptoms. Even if they feel pain and the sensation of wanting to urinate continuously, they only consider this a symptom of a urinary tract infection, not a symptom of endometriosis.

Judging from the signs and symptoms, people with bladder endometriosis will usually experience:

Frequent urination
Pain in the bladder when it feels full
Burning sensation and pain when urinating
Bloody urine
Pelvic pain
Back pain or pain in the lower back
Well, it appears that these symptoms are commonly experienced by people with urinary tract infections. The difference is, women with endometriosis usually also experience other common symptoms of endometriosis, such as:

Abdominal cramps and menstrual pain
It hurts during sex
Severe bleeding during menstruation (menorrhagia)
Severe fatigue
Diarrhea or constipation
How do you ensure the symptoms of endometriosis?

To ensure the cause of frequent urination that you experience, you should immediately consult your nearest doctor. First of all, the doctor will ask you about the symptoms of endometriosis bladder that you have experienced so far.

After that, the doctor will examine your vagina and bladder to see the possibility of abnormal tissue growth through ultrasound. You may also be asked to do a urine test to see the possibility of blood in the urine, one of the symptoms of bladder endometriosis.

In addition, the doctor will also do a cystoscopy to see the inside of the bladder and urethra (the bladder connecting channel). Based on the results of the examination, then the doctor can ensure the presence or absence of endometrial tissue in your bladder.




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