5 Mental Strategies That Must Be Held To Successfully Lose Weight

5 Mental Strategies That Must Be Held To Successfully Lose Weight

Success in losing weight is not an easy matter. The dream of reaching the ideal body weight has long been imagined, sweet promises for diet have also been campaigned since a long time ago, even sports plans have long been made. Unfortunately, there is no action that has actually materialized to achieve that dream.

Remember, the process of weight loss is not just about diet and regular exercise. Have you equipped yourself with key strategies to gain ideal weight?

In order to succeed in losing weight, don't forget ...
Dieting carelessly without special preparation will not make the effect of weight loss last long, said Brian Quebbemann, MD, as the founder of the NEW program (Nutrition, Exercise, Wellness) in California. In a short time, weight can go back up because it is not properly maintained.

Therefore, before enjoying healthy physical changes that have long been dreamed of, you should first equip yourself with a mental strategy as the key to the beginning of the process towards ideal body weight.

1. Determined

Getting started is generally the most difficult thing to do. Especially if not accompanied by strong intentions. Now, try to think about what reasons make you want to lose weight. Whether because it prevents chronic diseases, does not believe in body shape, or the size of clothing that is getting bigger and bigger.

Imagine what things you will get later after successfully losing weight. Praise from people about your body shape, avoid the risk of chronic diseases, or other things that you have long dreamed of.

Avoid thinking too much about bad possibilities that might not necessarily occur. The more determined intention you have, the stronger the spirit to live and maintain a diet.

2. Ask for support from the closest person

Don't underestimate the positive energy of people around in the process of weight loss. Ask for family support, friends, and even office friends to help monitor your daily life.

Tell them not to hesitate when you "steal" two plates of food in one meal, lazy to exercise, or other things that can interfere with the running of your weight loss plan.

That way, you will feel that you have responsibility for others. Not only on yourself.

3. Make a small goal

One thing you should not miss in listing your mental strategy is setting the final goal. However, instead of directly setting targets that are too high that tend to be difficult to reach, it's better to set a small target for the short term first.

The picture is this, if you have a goal to lose 10 kilograms (kg) of body weight in the next 3 months, then try it gradually by reducing 3 kg every month. Or if you want to eliminate the habit of eating junk food 3 times a week, start by reducing it only 2 times a week, then gradually become 1 time, until finally you can't eat junk food at all.

In essence, set simple targets that can at least encourage you to continue to reach the final goal. Instead, do not arrive because the target you make looks very heavy and instead shrinks your enthusiasm to achieve it.

4. Don't focus too much on the scales

The numbers listed on the scales are usually one of several determinants of the success or failure of your business in losing weight. Only, it turns out you are not recommended to weigh weight every day.

In addition to being able to change weight every day, you can be stressed because you are too concerned about changing the scales needles so you don't even focus on the process you are currently living in.

Instead, set a specific time to weigh your weight, for example once a week. In addition, another thing that you must remember is that the scale is not the only determining factor in the diet.

Body circumference that is getting smaller even though it is not accompanied by weight loss, is also a sign that the diet and exercise that you live are right.

5. Reward yourself

After setting a target for a certain period of time, now is the time for you to prove it in a process. For the sake of motivating yourself to succeed in losing weight, it never hurts to occasionally reward yourself with various favorite activities.

For example watching movies, pampering yourself in a beauty salon, buying the latest novels, and other interesting things besides food. You can do this routine every time you reach your target at a certain time. It is like this gift as a sign of your gratitude to yourself after struggling for so long.




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