Great Benefits of Pilates for Improving Body Posture

Have you ever heard of the type of Pilates exercise? Pilates is a type of exercise performed by making unique movements with the help of pilates. However, behind the simple-looking activities, it turns out that this exercise is very good for improving your posture. Why is that? Come on, see the explanation below.

Get to know the origin of Pilates
Pilates was first discovered by a German man, Joseph Pilates. During his childhood, Joseph experienced many diseases, such as asthma and rheumatic fever. As he grew up, Joseph became interested in the gym so he often exercised and eventually became less frequent. Joseph also concluded that one of the causes of a person experiencing illness is lack of exercise.

From there Joseph developed a type of exercise that can balance the health of the mind and body. The sport is called Pilates, which is actually a combination of gym, martial arts, yoga, and dancing.

Pilates is synonymous with movements that make the muscles of the body work hard. However, even though it's tiring, the faster the muscles in the body will be formed.

Is it true that Pilates is able to improve body posture?
Body posture is certainly very important for the appearance and health of one's body. The existence of a bad posture can make the muscles and bones not symmetrical. This can then injure and interfere with the work of vital organs such as the heart and lungs.

Those who experience scoliosis (oblique spine structure) also have a higher risk of developing osteopenia (a disorder of the bone due to loss of density). They will also experience limitations in activities, such as being unable to sit or stand for too long to experience pain in the back of the back.

Well, pilates can help reduce the degree of slope of the spine in people with scoliosis. Not only that, pilates movements can help control the severity of scoliosis symptoms, including reducing pain due to scoliosis.

In addition, various movements in the Pilates sport can strengthen and increase the body muscle mass. Because of that, do not be surprised if this sport can increase flexibility and endurance so that this sport is perfect for those who work as beautiful dancers or swimmers.

The existence of techniques that can improve body posture and maintain the symmetry of the body when standing also makes pilates can improve balance and help control the movements you make. The techniques in Pilates also emphasize the activity in the muscles in the lumbar spine so that it can make the waist and spine more balanced. That way, your posture looks more ideal.

The benefits of improving this posture are obtained through various movements in pilates which require working muscles so that they will form muscles and the movements are carried out repeatedly, starting from the initial stage to more difficult levels.

Tips for doing pilates for beginners
The purpose of pilates is to maintain the strength of the muscles around the spine. In running Pilates, there are several main keys, namely:

Breathe in relief until you can feel the widening in your lower ribs.
This technique is done by learning to find a neutral position in the spine by involving the right muscles.
When you do movements involving the head and neck, avoid pressing your chin to the neck.
When you start doing pilates, do it in an atmosphere that is calm and relaxed. Start from the initial stages first. Only when you get used to it can you increase it to a higher level.

When doing pilates movements, you also have to use the strength of your abdominal muscles, pull the back side up, and tighten your buttocks.

Here are a few examples of simple Pilates movements that you can do at home:

Simple leg lifts. This movement is quite simple. Lift and move the bottom of your foot alternately. Do it up to 5 times.
Alternating leg lifts. Performed by lifting the right leg, followed by the left foot, so that your feet are raised. Then lower your right foot followed by the left foot. Repeat up to five times.
Single leg kick. You can do this while lying on your stomach and your upper body held by both arms. Then, bend one of your legs towards the buttocks. Also do it on the other leg alternately. Repeat this movement five times.
The important thing is to note when doing pilates
Concentrate on every move you make. Remember, there is no part in your body that is not important.
Take control of your every move. Not only big movements, every small movement you must be able to control it to improve your posture.
Do each movement slowly and surely. Don't be too stiff and don't be too fast or too slow to do every move.
After completing pilates, don't forget to cool down. This cooling technique is done by leaning against the wall then open your legs wide and relaxed. Breathe relaxed and bend over for a few moments. After that you will definitely feel more calm and refreshed.




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