Infidelity of the Person Who Forgives?

If there are people who accuse us of being infidels, can we retaliate with accusations like infidels


Bismillah was shalatu was greeting ‘ala Rasulillah, wa ba’du,

First, accusing people of accusation of infidelity, even though they have not yet come to believe that he is truly an infidel, including a major sin.

From Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu ‘anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu‘ alaihi wa sallam said,

إِذَا قَالَ الرَّجُلُ لأَخِيهِ يَا كَافِرُ فَقَدْ بَاءَ بِهِ أَحَدُهُمَا

When someone tells his brother, 'Yes, the Gentile', it will return to one of them. (Narrated by Bukhari 6103 & Muslim 225).

The meaning of this hadith, that those who download and who are accused, do not become infidels, because of the accusations of 'You are infidel'. Because the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam called them brothers, meaning fellow Muslims. If one of the infidels because of this accusation, the bond of brotherhood will disappear.

Syaikhul Islam said,

فقد سماه أخا حين القول ، وقد قال: فقد باء بها. فلو خرج أحدهما عن الإسلام بالكلية لم يكن أخاه

The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam called him brother when the first person made the accusation. While he stated, "the accusation will return." If one comes out of Islam, it means no longer his brother. (Majmu 'al-Fatawa, 7/355).

So that the meaning of this hadith is a strong threat to people who commit allegations to fellow Muslims, on charges of kufr. That the accusation must be wrong, so that his sin returned to him.

In another hadith, the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said, sin accuses others with accusations of infidelity, like sin killing him.

The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said,

وَمَنْ قَذَفَ مُؤْمِنًا بِكُفْرٍ فَهْوَ كَقَتْلِهِ

"Whoever accuses a believer of being accused of infidelity is like killing him." (Narrated by Ahmad 16385 & Bukhari 6047)

Ahlus Sunah, those who hold on to the salaf manhaj, are humans who are far from the tradition of accusing such infidels. because they understand, that the infidel status is syar'i law, so there must be a sharia argument to affirm kufr.

Syaikhul Islam said,

أن الكفر حكم شرعي وإنما يثبت بالأدلة الشرعية ...

"Indeed, kufr is the law of syar'i, which can only be established based on the syar'i ..." (Majmu 'al-Fatawa, 17/78).

For this reason, the scholars of Ahlus Sunah who were armed with the Salaf Manhaj, they did NOT condemn Muslims to anyone who was in the group opposite him. They did not condone the khawarij, did not forgive Ash'ariyah or Murjiah or LDII or other Islamic sects. Although it may be, the sect has forgiven the Muslim Ahlus Sunah who followed the Salaf prayer.

Unbelieving law is God's right, not personal rights, so it cannot be used as retaliation for accusations.

Syaikhul Islam said,

فلهذا كان أهل العلم والسنَّة لا يكفِّرون مَن خالفهم ، وإن كان ذلك المخالف يكفِّرُهم ؛ لأنَّ الكفر حكمٌ شرعيٌّ ، فليس للإنسان أن يُعاقب بِمثله ،

For this reason, the scholars of Ahlus Sunah, they did not condemn the Muslim groups who were at odds with him, even though the opposite sect was forgiving them (Ahlus Sunah scholars). Because the infidel verdict is the syar'i law, so that one cannot be punished with such things.

Then Shaykhul Islam made an analogy,

كمن كذب عليك, وزنى بأهلك, ليس لك أن تكذب عليه وتزني بأهله; لأن الكذب والزنا حرام لحق الله, وكذلك التكفير حق لله, فلا يكفر إلا من كفره الله ورسوله

Like someone who deceives you or commits adultery with your wife, that does not mean you may lie to him or commit adultery with his wife. Because lies and adultery are forbidden because of the right of God. Likewise takfir (infidel verdict), is the right of Allah, so that no person should be forgiven, other than those who were forgiven by Allah and His Messenger sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. (ar-Rad ala al-Bakri, 2/492).

Therefore, if there are Muslims who accuse you of infidelity, then you should not give the same accusation to him.

So, Allahu 'alam.




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