Law Married to Stepbrother

Can you marry a stepbrother?


Bismillah was shalatu was greeting ‘ala Rasulillah, wa ba’du,

We provide illustrations to make it easier to understand who is meant by the half brother ...

Parjio is a widower, has a daughter from the first wife, named Ani. Ngatiyem is a widow, has a son from the first husband, named Rudi.

Parjio is married to Ngatiyem, so Ani's relationship with Rudi is a half brother.

Can they get married?

Allah has explained who are women who should not be married to men ... Allah explained in Surat an-Nisa,

حرمت عليكم أمهاتكم وبناتكم وأخواتكم وعماتكم وخالاتكم وبنات الأخ وبنات الأخت وأمهاتكم اللاتي أرضعنكم ...

"Forbidden from you (marrying) your mother-mother; your daughters; your brothers and sisters, your sisters and brothers; your mother's sisters who are women; daughters of your brothers and sisters; daughters of your sisters; your mothers are breastfeeding you ... "(Surat an-Nisa: 23).

Are there half brothers there?

The answer is no ... There is no half brother there.

Because of that, they may get married ... because they are NOT mahram.

Imam Ibn Baz was once asked about the law of marrying a half-brother ...

His answer,

ليس هناك حرج إذا تزوج أخو زيد من الأم أخته من الأب لانا ليس بينهما قرابة ، ولم يكن بينهما رضاع.

زيد له أخت من الأب وله أخ من الأم ، فأخوه من الأم ينكح أخته من الأب ، لا بأس به ؛ لأنه ليس بينهما قرابة

No problem ... when a thousand brothers from Zaid married a brother from Zaid, it didn't matter. Because both of them have no relationship of intimacy, and both of them are not siblings.

Or Zaid has a sister and brother and sister, it doesn't matter. Because both of them have no kinship. (Muhadharah wujub al-amal bis sunnah, Imam Ibu Baz)

A fatwa, for example, was conveyed by a fatwa Syabakah Islamiyah institution,

فلا مانع شرعا أن بأخت أخيه غير الشقيق- من النسب داما لم تحصل بينهما المحرمية بسبب آخر لأنه لا علا قة بينهما. فالله تعالى إنما حرم الأخوات بالنسب أو الرضاعة

It does not matter that a man is married to his step sister - both a nasab and a half sister - as long as both of them have no relationship with other reasons. Because there is no connection between the two. Allah only forbids marriage with a sister because of nasab or septerusan.

Then the word of God is included in the letter an-Nisa verse 23 above. (Fatwa Syabakah Islamiyah, no. 95208)


The following is NOT a half brother ...

Budi is a widower, has a daughter named Rahmah. Then Budi remarried Maryam, then had a son named Luqman. Rahmah's relationship with Luqman is NOT a half-brother, but a relative. And they are mahram, so they cannot marry.

Or vice versa,

Siti is a widow, has a daughter named Shofiyah. Then Siti remarried Hasan, then had a son named Nurman. Shofiyah's relationship with Nurman is NOT a half-brother, but a sibling. And they are mahram, so they cannot marry.

So, Allahu 'alam.




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