On-Page SEO: Optimizing Website and Website Content for Search Engines

On-page SEO is the factors that determine whether or not your website is optimized for search engines seen from its own website.

That is, you will do an optimization on your own website.

On-page optimization aims to let search engines know whether your website is relevant / in accordance with what is sought by the user. And really the best quality.

Therefore, the key is 2 things: relevant, quality.

Without fulfilling both, it is impossible to get rank 1 in the search engine.

In this article, we will study in any part of the website you must implement on-page optimization and how to do the optimization.

On-page SEO concept
In SEO, the on-page optimization concept is a MAIN thing that you must understand.

There are still other optimization categories besides on-page (off-page, discussed in the next chapter), but without implementing on-page optimization it will be useless to do other strategies.

The essence of on-page SEO is simple ...

... you will optimize the website so:

High useful for visitors
Facilitate visitors in conducting exploration
Visitors feel at home in it
Search engines understand the structure of your website
After reading these 4 points, you might ask,

"I am optimizing for search engines, why focus on visitors?"

The answer, this ...

Search engines can find out whether visitors are satisfied with the page they are visiting.

Imagine if you are looking for something on Google, then go to one of the websites. Apparently the contents are not satisfactory. Most likely after a few seconds you will click the 'back' button to search for another website. Yes, right?

Because Google certainly wants to display websites that satisfy users, your website must satisfy visitors.

Here's how:

Optimal Website Page Components
There are several factors that affect the satisfaction of website users. We will discuss one by one from each of the following categories:

Meta description
Picture media
Outbound link
Internal link
Social sharing
Website speed

1. Top quality content
If you notice, content is the main component in the website page. That is, content holds the biggest role in on-page optimization.

It's impossible to get rank 1 without having quality content.

... but, what is quality content?

These are the characteristics:

Provides maximum benefits for visitors
More prominent than other similar content
Listed for a long time by visitors
Generating feelings (amazed, entertained, happy, etc.)
Resolving visitor problems
That's 5 criteria for quality content.

If you want to get rank 1 on a search engine for a long duration, then your content should meet those five things.

Without exception.

You also need to know that Google openly states that they oppose content that:

Thin (thin), in other words not weighty
Does not provide added value to the reader
Not original
Makes the reader frustrated (because the quality is low)
If your content falls into one of the categories above, it will be very difficult to get a high ranking.

Worse, content like that is at risk of penalties!

Google and other search engines actively update the algorithm. In the future, they will increasingly understand the quality of content.

So, be careful when publishing content for your website.

To help you create good content, please read the following guidelines:

6 elements that trigger the popularity of content
The "KTP" method for creating weighty content
Guide to article writing
2. Keywords that are popular and right on target
Try to remember back last time when you used Google ... you wrote a few words as the keyword.

Then Google displays the results related to the keyword earlier.

The more relevant the keyword, the higher the ranking.

So, optimizing a page means optimizing keywords.

Every page on your website must be optimized for at least 1 keyword.


By including keywords in your website page.

Exactly inside the content, in the title, and in the URL.

Thus, search engines and visitors will immediately understand what the contents of your website pages are.

One more thing…

You must understand what is meant by a keyword.

For example someone does a search on Google with the keyword "buy an iphone".

What do you mean by that?

Does he want to buy an iPhone or does he want to read articles about how to buy an iPhone? Hmm ... looks like the first one makes more sense.

Google also understands this.

So that Google will display pages that sell iPhones.

Therefore, it is impossible to get a high ranking if you provide articles on how to buy an iPhone.

3. The title of the page that invites clicks
The easiest way to optimize a title is to include the main keyword that you are looking for.

For example the keyword "learn SEO", then the title contains the word "learning SEO".

But that's not enough ...

... the most important in the title is not keyword optimization, but optimization of human interest.

If the title you make is able to attract many visitors, the ranking will increase.

The logic is this:

Suppose there are 2 competing websites, ranked 1 and 2.

It turns out that rank 2 gets more visitors than rank 1 ... because the titles he makes are more interesting, so many click.

Google wants to prioritize the best results, then the website ranked 2 will be raised to the first rank.

Make sense?

Because the title is the first page element to read in the search results, then by optimizing the title, the number of clicks can increase.

Read this guide to learn how to make interesting titles.

4. Short, descriptive URLs
Although the effect is not large, URLs containing keywords can affect the ranking of your website in search results.

Here is an example of a bad URL. Avoid using URLs like this.

A good URL is always relevant to what the page contains.


The page about 'meatball recipes'> domain.com/resep-bakso/
The macbook pro product page> domain.com/laptop/macbook-pro/
Make a URL that describes the content, even better if it contains the main keyword.

5. The Meta description is descriptive and invites clicks
The Meta description is 1-2 sentences that appear in the search results:

The Meta description does not really affect your page ranking.

Also, it doesn't always appear in search results. Because Google now uses sentences more often in content as page descriptions.

Even so, there is no harm in this section being optimized.

(Moreover, it doesn't take long)

With an attractive meta description, the chances of other people to visit your website will be higher.

Like the logic, the more clicks from humans = the better the ranking.

6. High-quality and optimal-sized images
Imagine a website page that is 100% text-filled, must be very boring. Therefore, images and / or videos are added value.

Strangely, many people think the picture is actually detrimental ...

…not true.

There is no loss in using multimedia in content.

Except, if the number is very large so that the computer visitors to your website crash. Or if it has nothing to do with content.

Some tips:

Use images that relate and explain content
Use the right type of extension so the file size doesn't swell
Make sure the image resolution is as shown
Compress the image so that it is optimal
Add the alt attribute when placing the image
7. References in the form of links to other websites
This point is very important especially for new websites.

Google, as an information center, certainly wants to provide reliable content. So that the information does not mislead many people.

This is why large websites are easier to enter the first page ...

... because his reputation has been built up for a long time.

Well, because your website is still new, Google considers its contents to be untrustworthy. Because it is not trusted, it will be more difficult to get a high ranking.

Here the reference link can help.

Links to other websites whose reputation is good and relevant will make your content's reputation better. .

An analogy like this:

Try taking one of the non-fiction books.

In the book there must be a bibliography or footnotes. It contains information on quotes from other sources.

Books without quotes from other sources will be considered untrustworthy.

8. Internal links to facilitate navigation
There is a term whose name is bounce.

Bounce means when someone enters your website, then he immediately goes out without doing anything.

If the bounce rate of your website is high, it could be because:

The quality is disappointing
Navigation is difficult
Remember again, websites that disappoint visitors won't get high rankings.

So that the bounce rate can be a factor that shows visitor satisfaction.

One effort to reduce the bounce rate is to install internal links (links between pages), so that visitors easily visit other pages on your website.

Here's how to build a website structure with an internal link.

9. Can be shared to social media
At present Google does not consider the number of shares to be a determining factor for ranking on Google, but that does not mean that social sharing is not important.

On the contrary.

Social shares have an indirect impact on website ranking.

This is the benefit of social share:

Additional visitors
Branding, your website will be known
Satisfaction factor increases (if your website can satisfy visitors)
Some of the visitors will provide backlinks (discussed further in the next chapter)
Compared to SEO, social media will build your website brand faster.

This has an effect on SEO.

When your website is known, people will search your website through Google ...

... because many are searching through Google, meaning that the reputation of your website will be considered good by Google.

Therefore, install the share button on your website.

Then use the popularity trigger element to create interesting content to share.

10. Response speed and speed resistance
A faster website will get a better ranking.

In the article written by Billy Hoffman at MOZ, it appears that websites that are in the top rank have a shorter response time.

Time to First Byte (TTFB) means the time needed by the website server until the user gets the first 1 byte. In other words, server response time.

Increased speed is not only for search engines. Visitors will also be more comfortable on a website with a short loading time.

There are several things that affect speed:

The quality of hosting used
The number of .js and .css files in <head>
The size of the page is too large to disturb visitors
Keep in mind: the existence of images and videos will not be considered to reduce the speed of the website. Unless the amount is excessive and is not needed.

You can test the speed of your website through the Google Page Speed Test. Immediately make repairs if the score is below 75.




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