17 Effective Tips to Eliminate Stress When Pregnant

Stress during pregnancy can trigger a variety of problems, ranging from maternal health problems to the survival of the baby in the womb. Therefore, pregnant women as much as possible stay away from things that make it stressful because it can affect the fetus they contain.

The following is a way to relieve stress during pregnancy as reported by the Pregnancy Related page.

1. Make changes in lifestyle
As much as possible pregnant women do not experience physical or mental stress due to work affairs. After learning that you are pregnant, immediately make a schedule and a list that must be changed in your daily routine.

This daily schedule should allow you to have enough rest and stress free time. Stopping work or taking leave can be one solution.

2. Eat healthy food so as not to stress while pregnant
When pregnant, the mother's intake of food not only enters your body, but also plays a role in the growth of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, make sure you always eat healthy and nutritious foods.

Healthy food can also reduce stress during pregnancy. Mother's mind will be calmer after knowing her baby is getting enough nutrition to grow healthy.

Healthy food can reduce stress significantly, so don't compromise on healthy intake.

3. Regular exercise
Sports have been shown to stimulate one's hormones to become happier. Therefore, don't stop exercising when you are pregnant. Besides being healthy, exercise also functions to nourish the mind.

Exercise during pregnancy also has a myriad of benefits for the fetus in the womb.

Related articles: Research; Sports When Pregnant Benefits For Children's Health

4. Pamper yourself
Pregnancy is the moment when you are preparing to become a mother. Take time to pamper yourself so as not to stress thinking about big responsibilities when the baby is born.

Do things that you love so you can feel happier and enjoy your mother's pregnancy, such as shopping or traveling. But make sure the fun activities that you do do not make you too tired and even fall ill.

5. Discover the stressors of the Mother
If you feel stressed during pregnancy for fear of painful labor or thinking about the difficulty of being a mother, try talking about it with family and friends. Do not let negative thoughts about labor and the process of becoming a mother continue to burden your mind.

Then, avoid reading the horrible stories about labor that make the Mother even more stressful.

Confiding in other fellow mothers can also help. But don't let them even add to your stress

6. Meditation
Meditation can be very helpful for Mother to calm her mind so that she can release stress during pregnancy. Meditation is also one of the therapies that is good for mental health and beneficial for mothers and babies.

7. Chat with other people
Frantic thoughts if buried alone will make it more stressful. Therefore, Mother is advised to chat with fellow moms, doctors, or closest friends about things that disturb Mother's mind.

In this way, you can understand whether what happens to your body during pregnancy is normal or not. If what you experience is also experienced by other people, the Mother does not need to feel excessive anxiety.

The result, stress during pregnancy can be prevented.

8. Sleep well

Often pregnant women experience lack of sleep because it is difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Or too many thoughts to not be able to sleep.

In addition, mothers also often wake up in the middle of the night due to headaches, nausea, or cravings.

In fact, getting enough sleep and sleep every night can help the body rest. Therefore, you must have enough sleep, both at night and during the day.

9. Self education
Having complete information about the process of pregnancy and childbirth makes it easier for the mother to undergo a pregnancy without stress. Mother also knows what to do with each phase of the pregnancy that goes.

This can be done by reading books, articles on the internet, or asking directly to the doctor when making a visit.

10. Plan financial problems
Making a financial plan for the cost of giving birth and the needs of the baby after birth must be made as early as possible. Do this plan from a young age to avoid stress during pregnancy caused by financial problems.

11. Listen to yourself
Pregnancy is an emotional period because you are preparing to become a mother. Changes in hormones and body conditions can make mothers overwhelmed in controlling emotions so stressful.

The mother must be able to sit quietly to understand the turbulent emotions. You can also write down whatever you feel so you know what to do to deal with it.

12. Learn relaxation techniques
Relaxation can reduce stress. There are many relaxation techniques that you can choose, such as massage, spa, or yoga.

By learning it yourself, Mother does not need to go to a salon or to a yoga class that is definitely in need of costs so that it can save expenses while pregnant.

In addition to reducing stress during pregnancy, relaxation can also help the baby's growth in the womb.

13. Make friends with other pregnant women
Making friends with other pregnant women can be a way to reduce stress. Pregnant women can exchange experiences about all difficulties and expectations during pregnancy.

Sharing feelings with people who understand your condition well can help you feel better. On the other hand, Mother can also learn new things from them so they can have references if one day Mother also experiences the same thing.

14. Take a pregnancy class
Pregnancy classes not only prepare you for a normal delivery, but it can also be a place to devote all the problems you experienced during pregnancy.

Pregnancy classes also ensure that the mother's mental health during pregnancy is noticed and maintained so that it is not stressful.

15. Talk to your husband

Having children is the responsibility of both partners. Therefore, invite your husband to be actively involved in the pregnancy process.

You can confide in and say what you want your husband to do during pregnancy. Talking with your husband can reduce anxiety and stress during pregnancy because you know that you will always be on your side.

If the husband is willing, you can also ask your husband to massage your mother to reduce back pain and help you become more relaxed.

16. Enjoy the pregnancy
Take a break from all the tiring routines when you are pregnant. Enjoy your mother's pregnancy at ease.

When you can enjoy pregnancy, stress will decrease.

17. Looking for help from experts
If you have done all the tips above but have not reduced stress, it's time for you to seek help from a psychologist or therapist. They will help Mother reduce the stress that Mother experienced.


Stress during pregnancy if left untreated can trigger a more severe condition called depression. Help pregnant women reduce stress by not talking about negative things about pregnancy, childbirth, becoming a mother.

Come on, support pregnant women to be stress free and happy so that the process of pregnancy and childbirth can run smoothly.




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