5 Ways to Care for Cavities

Cavities are conditions that indicate damage to tooth enamel, aka the hard outer layer of the teeth. This condition can be a problem in children, adolescents, and adults. The bacterial layer that attaches to the teeth, or the so-called plaque, will continue to form on your teeth. When you eat or drink something that contains sugar, the bacteria in the plaque will produce acids that attack the enamel of the teeth. Plaque sticking will make these acids continue to come into contact with your teeth, and at any time the tooth enamel will break and produce holes in the teeth.

5 Ways to Care for Cavities

Cases of cavities are more commonly known among children, but tooth changes that occur due to aging can make cavities also become an adult problem.

Causes of cavities
According to Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price, and Dr. Ragel Ramiel, there are 4 main factors that can cause tooth decay, namely:

Lack of minerals in diet (lack of calcium, magnesium deficiency and phosphorus deficiency)
Lack of fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K (especially vitamin D)
Too much food is rich in phytic acid
Consume too much processed sugar
How to treat cavities

1. Take lots of vitamin D
Vitamin D is important for building strong teeth and bones, because it is a major factor in healing cavities. Vitamin D can also help prevent gum inflammation because it is anti-inflammatory.

Calcium flows in and out of your teeth to the parts of the body that need it, and vitamin D regulates this process. When we lack vitamin D, your teeth won't get calcium, and what's worse, calcium in your teeth will be taken by other body parts. When this continues, you will develop periodontal disease and weakened teeth.

Vitamin D is also responsible for creating cementum that binds teeth to the bones in your mouth. The gene that controls periodontal disease is regulated by vitamin D-controlled receptors.

We can get Vitamin D with morning sunlight, cod liver fermentation oil, vitamin D supplements, tuna, fortified milk, egg yolks, and beef liver.

2. Take lots of vitamins K1 and K2
Dr. Weston Price calls vitamin k "X-Factor". His research describes the case history of a 14-year-old girl who has 48 cavities. The girl consumed vitamin K extract, high-vitamin butter oil, and cod liver fermentation oil three times a day for 7 months. The result is tooth decay and mineralized teeth (48 cavities are cured and 24 teeth have new tooth enamel).

Studies show that vitamin K can utilize special proteins that have the ability to distribute calcium and phosphorus to teeth and bones. Dr. Price found that calcium and phosphorus imbalances would cause a number of diseases in the body, such as cavities and dental infections.

We can get vitamin K from kale, spinach, mustard greens, collard green, green beets, green radishes, paterseli, broccoli, cabbage, beef, eggs, cheese, butter, cod liver oil fermentation and vitamin K supplements.

3. Avoid foods that cause cavities
Avoid foods that can cause tooth decay, such as:

Sugar and carbohydrates. Both can make changes in blood sugar which results in the closure of mineral flow in the teeth.
Phytic acid. A mineral blocker and enzyme blocker that can cause serious health problems. Phytic acid can be found in grains and peanuts.
Processed vegetable oil. When heated, free radicals created by heat will become very toxic. Processed vegetable oil which is dangerous if heated is corn oil, cottonseed oil, and soybean oil.
Fast food. Glycerin contained in it can inhibit calcium in mineralizing your teeth.
4. Drink alkaline (alkaline) water
Many young children experience decaying teeth at an early age. Those who grew up drinking acidic water, even if only slightly, would suffer tooth loss at an alarming rate.

Alkaline water has a pH of 8 or more. By consuming alkaline drinking water, you can neutralize the acid in the mouth which makes the cavities worse. Alkaline water can also support strong teeth and bone growth.

5. Try oil pulling therapy
This therapy has been used for centuries by Ayurveda medicine. Oil pulling is a very popular detoxification procedure. This therapy is done by gargling using one spoon of oil for 20 minutes. This simple detox procedure has been trusted to cure dental problems, headaches, and diabetes.




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