7 Steps to Get Pregnant Fast After Marriage

After marriage, quite a number of couples want to be blessed with children. Especially if their parents are of the type who like to ask 'already pregnant or not'. Of course the question makes you want to get pregnant sooner.

Unfortunately to get pregnant, the process is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. Sometimes even though you already feel often making love with your partner, the awaited pregnancy does not come too. So how do you get your baby quickly? Here are seven steps you can try as quoted by Female First:

1. Visit a Gynecologist
The first thing you need to do is consult an obstetrician. With this consultation, you and your partner can find out a medical condition that might affect your chances of getting pregnant immediately. Your doctor can also ask you to do a series of tests ranging from blood tests to rubella.

2. Find Out When Your Fertile Period
The best way to get pregnant is to know when your fertile period is. Making love during the fertile period is more likely to produce fertilization than after that.

If you and your partner have trouble knowing when the fertile period is, you can use a fertility checker. This tool works like a pregnancy checker. Right now there are also applications on the iPhone or Android that can help you hit the fertile period.

For those who do not understand what is the fertile period and how to know when it is time? You can read it here.

3. Basal Body Temperature
To find out when your fertility period, another trick that can be done is to record the basal temperature of the body. To record this, you need a basal thermometer. Measure your body's basal temperature every day in the morning when you just wake up. Do it before you get out of bed to go to urinate. During the fertile period, the body's basal temperature usually decreases and will rise the next day. After that the basal body temperature stays in the same size until you get your period and during pregnancy.

Taking note of this basal body temperature will not be very useful if you do it only once. This action is only useful after several consecutive months so that you can get the menstrual cycle. You also can be able to predict the right period of fertility, so you really know when to make love with pairs.

4. Make love at the right time
After knowing when it's time for fertility, you and your partner can make plans to make love in those times. The time period, starting from three days before the fertile period until the fertile period takes place.

You and your partner have several days to make love because sperm can last for 5-6 days after being released. While your eggs can only last for a few days. So if you make love on Monday, sperm can survive in the fallopian tube, wait for the egg to swim, until Thursday or even Sunday.

Additional tips: If you and your partner delay making love until the fertile period, don't delay it too long. Men should at least ejaculate the day before your fertile period. If a man does not ejaculate before that day, chances are there will be sperm that die when finally released. Sperm that dies of course cannot make you pregnant.

5. Enjoy the process
When you want to get pregnant quickly, you may feel anxious or anxious. This is actually normal, provided you don't get stressed. When stressed, the part of the brain that regulates fertility hormones will not function properly. Because of that, ovulation can be delayed or even not occur at all. Ovulation is the process of releasing eggs from the uterus to the fallopian tubes to be fertilized.

So as much as possible you should not get stressed while undergoing this pregnancy program. Just enjoy the process that is running, without the need for excessive anxiety.

6. Prepare a partner
When starting this pregnancy program, of course you don't work alone. The couple must prepare themselves so that they can remove the quality sperm during ejaculation. Here are some things he can do:

- Stop drinking alcohol. Research shows that drinking alcoholic beverages on a regular basis can reduce testosterone levels and sperm count. Alcohol can also make abnormal sperm counts increase.

- Stop smoking. Cigarettes have been shown to damage sperm quality and harm potential babies.

- Eat nutritious food. Foods consumed should contain lots of zinc, folic acid, calcium, vitamins C and D.

- Avoid saunas and soak in hot water. Heat can kill sperm.

The sooner your partner makes changes to him regarding the things above, the better it will be for your pregnancy program. If the changes are made from today, the results will be seen in three months or can be faster.

7. Prepare Your Body
Just like a partner, you also need to make some changes while undergoing a pregnancy program. For example, by not drinking alcohol, quitting smoking and not taking drugs.

Reducing coffee is also good for your pregnancy program. Drinking more than two cups of coffee a day can make the chances of getting pregnant smaller. Drinking too much coffee is often associated with causing miscarriages, small births and premature births. Even so, until now there is no scientific evidence whether drinking 1-2 cups of coffee a day will affect the baby or not. It's just that, as a prospective mother, you must remain careful.

If you are among women who have excess weight, start exercising. By losing weight, you reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes during pregnancy.




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