How to Take Care of Teeth to Stay Healthy

Having white and clean teeth is everyone's dream. Various ways are done to realize that desire. One way is to brush your teeth regularly. So, is the method of caring for this tooth right? Of course the answer is not right if your dental treatment technique is not correct.

Then, how to treat good teeth?

How to Take Care of the Right Teeth
There are 3 factors that must be considered about how to treat good and correct teeth, including:

1. Selection of toothbrush
This is the way to care for the main teeth that must be considered. Bristle brush not too hard / soft / rare. The tip of the toothbrush and the tip of the bristles are as close as possible, if not the tip of the toothbrush has stuck to the back but the bristles are not subject to teeth, so there are parts of the tooth that are not brushed. This usually occurs in wisdom teeth.

2. Toothbrush movement
The next way to treat your teeth is to pay attention to how you brush. Vertical movement from the direction of the gums to the tip of the tooth, for the maxilla from top to bottom. While the outer, inner and surface of the teeth to chew are thoroughly brushed. Try not to brush too hard.

The gum must be brushed so that the soft food debris in the neck of the tooth is gone. This method makes you unconsciously massage the gums, so that the gums are healthy, supple and not easily bleed. In addition, this also prevents the occurrence of tartar.

3. Frequency of toothbrush
Dental care must be routine. Brush your teeth twice a day, morning and night, especially at night before going to bed. Of course you should brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains fluoride that can strengthen e-mail.

In addition to several ways to treat the teeth above, you also have to routinely visit the doctor to control dental health every 6 months.

After you know the tips for caring for good teeth, you also need to know what factors must be considered so that you avoid dental problems. The factor of parental supervision is very important especially in times:

Toddlers. It should be noted how to brush your teeth, if necessary, parents who brush their children's teeth. Eliminate bad habits like sucking your thumb.
Children aged 5–10 years. During changing milk teeth, it is often checked whether the permanent teeth have grown. Maybe the milk teeth have not been rocked, if it's too late to be removed, the teeth will be double or uneven.
In adults. Discipline, heredity, race, nutrition and habits factors greatly affect dental health.
How to make toddlers diligently brush their teeth?
Caring for your toddler's teeth is not easy because children are often fussy or crying when invited to tie their teeth. In order to easily invite toddlers to brush their teeth, by showing interesting pictures of teeth, give an example of the adults around him that by brushing his teeth, the teeth will become healthy and not easily get toothache.

Use toothpaste and toothbrush that are colorful and have the aroma that children love. Of course, all toothbrushes and toothpaste used are certainly approved by the Ministry of Health and there are no side effects and are not dangerous.

How to treat teeth to stay healthy as early as possible?
1. Enough vitamins
In the third month of pregnancy, the mother must have enough vitamin containing lime, because the child's teeth in the womb begin to be formed in the third month of pregnancy. Meanwhile, for toddlers, do not carelessly give antibiotics

2. Carefully choose medicine
Do not drink any medication without a doctor's order, because there are certain types of drugs that can affect tooth growth. For example tetracyclin antibiotics can cause the teeth of a child being conceived to be yellow or grayish and brittle. Then the medication taken must be approved by the doctor.

Tips for Caring for Teeth to Always Be Healthy
A healthy tooth is teeth clean without holes. By treating teeth properly and regularly as explained before, it is believed to prevent the appearance of cavities.

Keep in mind, sweet foods like chocolate and sticky dodol if not immediately brushed can cause tooth decay. Also drinks like tea, coffee, sweet drinks, and smoking habits can cause a thin layer on the teeth called the stain so that the color of the teeth become dull or browned.

The rough stain layer is easily attached to food scraps and germs, which eventually form plaque, if not cleaned it will harden and become tartar and can propagate to the root of the tooth. As a result the teeth easily bleed, the teeth easily shake and are easily dated. Another thing that can happen is an abscess or swelling of the teeth.

How to Take Care of Teeth in the Elderly
1. More often control the dentist, because:
In the elderly the teeth are more fragile because the tooth enamel gets thinner, so that it is closer to the lower layer of dentin, which is softer than the email.
More complications of old age disease that occur in the teeth. For example diabetes mellitus which can cause the teeth to shake and the gums bleed easily.
2. Replace revoked teeth or dates
Replace teeth that are lost because they are removed with dentures, both printed and removable, so that dental functions can be restored such as:

Aesthetically: if a lot of teeth are missing, the cheeks look puffy and look older.
Chewing: so that digestive diseases do not occur.
Sound: especially if you lose your front teeth.
Confidence: if the tooth is toothless, it will easily be inferior.
Impact of Pulling Teeth
If the extraction has been carried out, the teeth are not replaced with dentures, the teeth on the left will shift towards the newly extracted teeth, resulting in the teeth becoming sparse and many food remnants tucked in that section.

In the end, the remnants of the food will rot, causing bad breath and an acidic mouth, many germs that cause damage or holes in the tooth. So it is not contagious but can cause damage to other teeth.

Are White Teeth Always Healthy?
Basically, every human being has a variety of teeth, there are white, yellow, gray and brown. So if people have yellow teeth, of course they cannot be bleached.

The whitening drug functions only return the color of the teeth to the natural and brilliant colors that the person has. So if the permanent color is yellow, then it returns to brilliant yellow, if the permanent color is white, then it returns to brilliant white.

Not all tooth discoloration can be removed by tooth whitening, see the following information:

Because cigarettes, tea, coffee, can be removed by tooth whitening.
Because tartar cannot be removed by bleach, but tartar must be cleaned by a dentist.
Because of age. The opaque color of the teeth in old age is due to the thinner e-mail to the underlying layer, namely dentine. This condition cannot be removed by bleach.




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