Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast (Full)

Tips on how to get pregnant quickly. Pregnancy and getting offspring is a great hope like a married couple, especially for those who have just had a marriage. The presence of children in family life adds to the atmosphere. The moment when the pregnancy test results show positive, is a very anticipated moment by a married couple for those who crave the presence of the next generation of the family.

But there are times when the hope of getting a pregnancy and the offspring is felt to begin to disappear when the waiting pregnancy has not arrived yet. Stress and despair plague many couples who have long waited. Sometimes this condition makes a family become out of harmony and eventually there is a divorce because of this case. Actually there are many cases that make it difficult for a married couple to get offspring, starting from the presence of diseases, hormonal disorders, reproductive system disorders and various other things, which of course need further examination and treatment to overcome them. But there are times when it is also difficult for a married couple to get pregnant quickly because of a lack of basic knowledge about pregnancy, so that the pregnancy that is not yet arrived.

Know and Avoid the Causes of Difficult Pregnancy

Fertility problems are a major cause of disruption of the reproductive system in women and a decrease in the quality and quantity of sperm in men. A study states that fertility problems occur in 40% due to women, 40% due to men and 30% due to both. Besides we know tips on how to get pregnant quickly, but we also have to know what factors cause a woman to get a pregnancy difficult. By knowing the cause, we can indicate what things can be done and what things should not be done. Here we present some of the causes of a woman having difficulty getting a pregnancy, including: High levels of stress The main cause of a woman is difficult to get pregnant, namely often experiencing excessive stress. Stress meant here can be caused by several things, namely stress due to work, a saturating situation, stress due to family factors and an environment that is not conducive so as to support someone to experience higher stress. If you often experience stress because of various things, of course this will affect your fertility level. Compressive conditions can cause disorders of the fallopian tube spasm, spermatogenesis, decreased arousal in sexual fiber, ovulation disorders. These disorders can cause fertility levels to decrease, making it difficult to get pregnant. Therefore, if you want offspring, you should avoid stress as much as possible. Obesity If you are someone who has excess weight or is often called obesity, then you may have difficulty getting a pregnancy. Why? High cholesterol levels and excessive fat accumulation will make the body experience hormonal imbalances that can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle. This cycle disorder is characterized by menstruation that will be late, continuously or even not at all. Though a person's fertility is characterized by regular menstruation because this will determine the calculation of the maturity of the egg. If this happens, then a woman will have difficulty knowing the right fertile period for sexual intercourse. Overweight will also affect testosterone hormone levels which are known as hormones in developing reproductive organs. Age factor This cause is indeed undoubted, because the age factor greatly determines a person's fertility. In general, a woman's fertility rate lasts from 35 years. At the age of 37 years, a woman's fertility rate will drop dramatically, while at the age of 40-45 years will experience menopause, which means a woman will not get the menstrual cycle again. Too Thin Not only obesity causes a woman to get a pregnancy difficult. Too thin it will be very risky for you to have difficulty getting a pregnancy. Women with thin weight will often experience menstrual cycle disorders every month. Drastic weight loss will result in the difficulty of getting the pregnancy you want. Vaginal blockage If a woman experiences obstruction in the vagina, it is possible for sperm to experience difficulty when reaching the egg. There are two types of obstruction in the vagina, including psychogen blockage (dyspareunia / vaginismus) and anatimatic obstruction. This blockage is caused by kuam that lives in the vagina, thus blocking the movement of sperm.

Fertility problems are a major cause of disruption of the reproductive system in women and a decrease in the quality and quantity of sperm in men. A study states that fertility problems occur in 40% due to women, 40% due to men and 30% due to both. Besides we know tips on how to get pregnant quickly, but we also have to know what factors cause a woman to get a pregnancy difficult. By knowing the cause, we can indicate what things can be done and what things should not be done. Here we present some of the causes of a woman having difficulty getting a pregnancy, including: High levels of stress The main cause of a woman is difficult to get pregnant, namely often experiencing excessive stress. Stress meant here can be caused by several things, namely stress due to work, a saturating situation, stress due to family factors and an environment that is not conducive so as to support someone to experience higher stress. If you often experience stress because of various things, of course this will affect your fertility level. Compressive conditions can cause disorders of the fallopian tube spasm, spermatogenesis, decreased arousal in sexual fiber, ovulation disorders. These disorders can cause fertility levels to decrease, making it difficult to get pregnant. Therefore, if you want offspring, you should avoid stress as much as possible. Obesity If you are someone who has excess weight or is often called obesity, then you may have difficulty getting a pregnancy. Why? High cholesterol levels and excessive fat accumulation will make the body experience hormonal imbalances that can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle. This cycle disorder is characterized by menstruation that will be late, continuously or even not at all. Though a person's fertility is characterized by regular menstruation because this will determine the calculation of the maturity of the egg. If this happens, then a woman will have difficulty knowing the right fertile period for sexual intercourse. Overweight will also affect testosterone hormone levels which are known as hormones in developing reproductive organs. Age factor This cause is indeed undoubted, because the age factor greatly determines a person's fertility. In general, a woman's fertility rate lasts from 35 years. At the age of 37 years, a woman's fertility rate will drop dramatically, while at the age of 40-45 years will experience menopause, which means a woman will not get the menstrual cycle again. Too Thin Not only obesity causes a woman to get a pregnancy difficult. Too thin it will be very risky for you to have difficulty getting a pregnancy. Women with thin weight will often experience menstrual cycle disorders every month. Drastic weight loss will result in the difficulty of getting the pregnancy you want. Vaginal blockage If a woman experiences obstruction in the vagina, it is possible for sperm to experience difficulty when reaching the egg. There are two types of obstruction in the vagina, including psychogen blockage (dyspareunia / vaginismus) and anatimatic obstruction. This blockage is caused by kuam that lives in the vagina of uterine abnormalities It cannot be denied that abnormalities in the uterus will result in a woman having difficulty getting a pregnancy. This uterine abnormality is generally caused by the problem of contracting the uterus, myoma, adhesions and endometrium. Of course all this will greatly inhibit the passage of sperm that will go to the egg. Abnormalities in the ovary This type of abnormality is usually caused by penykit cysts and tumors that make the ovaries / ovaries very disturbed. This certainly will cause ovulation to not occur so pregnancy is very difficult to obtain. Vaginal infections Leucorrhoea that often appears is a sign of an infection in the vagina. Vaginal infection if left unchecked will be a serious disease because it will enter the uterus and cause interference with the uterus so that it is difficult to get a pregnancy. For that you are encouraged to always maintain the feminine area that is always washing your vagina from top to bottom, not preferably from the rectum and above, because bacteria and germs in the rectum will come nesting in the vaginal area. Abnormalities in the cervix In the normal cervix it usually faces forward so that it is directly facing the back wall of the vagina.

If a woman with a uterus is facing backward, it will greatly inhibit the movement of sperm that will enter the uterus so that the fertilization process will not occur. Unhealthy lifestyle An unhealthy lifestyle will greatly hinder a person to get a pregnancy. Bad habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, taking medicines without a doctor's prescription or often fast food and fast food (fast food) will suppress the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen which will inhibit the process of ovulation. For that, if you really crave a child, then change these bad habits to achieve your desires easily. Eggplant abnormalities Abnormalities in the oviduct are a common problem. Abnormalities in the egg cell are generally characterized by the enlargement of the tube as a whole (endometriosis), attachment of the tube that interferes with the function of the fimbria, the tube that shortens and the formation of connective tissue (fibrosis). Endometriosis The cause of difficult pregnancy is a woman affected by endometriosis. This cause is that an endometrial tissue does not grow in its place. The cause of the growth of endometrial tissue is caused by the stimulation of the hormone estrogen which is so excessive that it must be carried out a hormonal treatment which is to give anti estrogen hormones for less than 2 months. The development of endometriosis tissue will spread to the oviduct, uterus, intestines and even other organs. Varicocele One of the difficult causes of getting this pregnancy is in a man. Varicocele is a varicose vein caused by dilation of the valve of the veins in the testicular sac. This vein in the vein will inhibit the production of sperm cells which will cause male fertility and sperm quality to be very disturbed.

Recurrent curatase The cause of a woman having difficulty getting a pregnancy can also be caused by repeated curettage due to a miscarriage. If the curette is repeated, it will trigger adhesions to the uterus. especially if the curette is not done sterile, this will cause the endometrium to close even though it should be in the form of cavities. This situation will be related to the difficulty of getting offspring. Too long delaying pregnancy There is nothing wrong if delaying pregnancy in a long enough period of time will result in a woman's fertility level being disturbed. The amount of egg production at the age of 30 years and above will decrease compared to egg production at the age of 20 years. Postponement of pregnancy is usually done by a woman to focus first on pursuing a career or education so that it ignores the age that is actually productive to get offspring. So, if you really want to get offspring, then you should not delay pregnancy which will actually cause fertility and egg production in your uterus to decrease.

Here are some tips that can be done for married couples to get a quick pregnancy: Tips for the Most Fast Pregnant Ways: Pray to the Almighty Man is only able to plan and try, while the one who determines everything is certainly God. Therefore complete your business by praying to Him, so that you will be blessed as soon as possible the gift of pregnancy. Prayer is so strong, that is able to realize something that is impossible to be possible. So, pray! To Get Pregnant Quickly Check Your Health Conditions The first thing to do is to do a health check that covers your body's health, your reproductive system, fertility levels and other things to experts. Check this out both husband and wife. This is an important capital for the occurrence of pregnancy and to be known by a married couple, because if there is an obstacle to this, certainly further care and treatment is needed and not just tips on how to get pregnant quickly. If after being examined and stated that you and your partner are healthy, then maybe the next tips can be useful and you can do it. Tips for Getting Pregnant Fast: Applying a Healthy Lifestyle Another thing that is not less important as a way to get pregnant fast is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. This is what you should pay attention to: If by chance you or your husband's smoker, you should stop smoking. as well as the habit of drinking alcohol. drinking alcohol at all reduces the chances of pregnancy by 50%. Make sure your weight is not less / less (ideal) because less weight or more can complicate conception, it is also a problem when you are pregnant. As for men, lack of weight can reduce sperm formation. Diligently exercise, thus your body condition is always fit and in the process of fertilization even more will occur. Balanced Nutritious Diet in consuming nutrient-laden foods needed to get a healthy pregnancy later. The Next Pregnant Way That Is To Know Your Fertility Period Fertility is characterized by an increase in Luteinizing Hormone significantly just before ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary). The increase in LH will push the egg out of the ovary to the fallopian tube. In this fallopian tube fertilization can occur by sperm. This period is called the fertile period, which is when the egg is present and ready to be fertilized. The egg is in the fallopian tube for approximately 3-4 days but only until the age of 2 days is the best time to be fertilized, after it dies. Use the Right Relationship Position to Get You Pregnant Fast Many fertility experts argue that the position of the man above during intercourse provides the best opportunity as a way to get pregnant quickly. To be more effective, women can prop their hips with a pillow so that the cervix can accommodate a lot of sperm. Try after ejaculation between partners occurs, for 10-20 minutes so that the woman stays in a lying position. Do not move first from this sleeping attitude because in this minute the semen will melt, and if the woman gets up the semen will flow back into the vagina and the acidic atmosphere makes the sperm weaken and die. This is also so that a woman's fertility can be maintained properly.

Tips to Get Pregnant Fast Next is to Bring an Relaxing Atmosphere When Connecting This conjugal activity should be done in a relaxed and also romantic atmosphere. When the fertile period arrives and is planned to have sex, provide enough time. If you finish the activity of a job, rest first to give time to refresh the body. Bathing can be a way for your body to be refreshed. Take care of the mood and be relaxed, do not be too stressful in sexual intercourse, for example, think about whether this "activity" will produce a pregnancy. Know about Basic Knowledge of Pregnancy This is also important to know about the couple so that it can be used as an illustration of getting a pregnancy. Knowing how much the normal sperm counts, the condition of the cervix during the fertile period, how long the sperm reaches the egg etc. Complete information about the process of pregnancy, can be read through the article below:

Drinking Vitamins As A Quick Way To Get Pregnant The next way to get pregnant, consumption of vitamins and types of food containing substances needed for fertility is very important for you and your partner. Vitamin C, one of which, can improve sperm quality. Taking 1000 mg and 10 mcg of vitamin D or Vitamin E can increase male and female fertility. And women who consume folic acid have a better chance of getting pregnant than those who don't take it. Folic acid also plays an important role in the formation of the fetal brain tube later. Nutrient Fertilizer Healthy Food Consumption

There are several types of foods that can help nourish the womb as a way to get pregnant quickly. Here are some types of healthy foods for uterine fertilization: Complex Carbohydrates Refined grain products or processed carbohydrates in the form of white rice and white bread are the sources of carbohydrates we have been consuming. However, to help increase fertility to get pregnant quickly, you can consume foods that come from whole grains. Foods derived from whole grains contain important nutrients that can help improve fertility. Some of the nutrients in question include iron, vitamin B and antioxidants. Now you can replace food sources of carbohydrates with whole grain products or complex carbohydrates such as whole grain cereals, brown rice or whole wheat bread. Consuming refined carbohydrates can increase blood sugar levels and insulin levels in the body. If the level of insulin and sugar in the blood increases, the hormones from the reproductive system will be disrupted and the menstrual cycle will become chaotic. If you want to get pregnant soon, these two things should be normal. However, you will not get it if you consume complex carbohydrates. Meat As we know, meat is one of the favorite foods for many people. In addition to having a taste that is so delicious when processed into certain dishes, meat is also rich in nutritional content. In addition, meat is one of the fertile foods that can help someone get a pregnancy right away. Low-fat chicken meat and beef are meat that can help nourish the womb. In the meat contains high protein, besides that meat is also rich in iron content. Even so, meat consumption is not recommended too much because there are certain limitations. In every day meat consumption should not be more than three servings. Based on research on excessive consumption of animal protesters it will reduce fertility. Green Vegetables Green vegetables are rich in iron which plays a role in smoothing a woman's menstrual cycle. One of the health parameters of a female reproductive organ is the menstrual cycle. If the menstrual cycle is not smooth, the female reproductive system is disrupted. Protein Plants

Besides meat, there are several types of plants that are rich in protein content. Protein plants can be used as alternatives or choices for consuming other protein-containing foods. Some types of plants that are rich in protein include soybeans which are usually processed into tofu or tempeh, peas and peanuts. Compared to meat, these foods are cheaper and more economical. Not only that, the calories and fat contained in protein plants are lower so consumption of these foods will still maintain your body weight. Based on experts, consumption of animal and vegetable proteins can indeed help nourish the womb, but there are limitations in consuming it. Consumption of foods that contain animal or vegetable protein should be in reasonable amounts or do not overdo it. Fish Some fish contain omega-3 fatty acids. The types of fish in question include salmon, sardines and catfish. Omega 3 fatty acids can help in optimizing reproductive system performance. However, there are currently many concerns in fish consumption, because some fish are actually contaminated with mercury which can endanger health. In consuming fish to help increase fertility, you must be more vigilant and careful. Choose fish that are still fresh. It is recommended not to consume fish in question more than 12 ounces per week. However, if you are still worried when you want to consume the type of fish in question, you can replace omega-3 fatty acids from fish with other alternative foods. Some foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids other than fish include almonds, walnuts, and eggs. Food Transfers Menstrual Cycle The cause of a woman's difficulty getting pregnant is generally because of the menstrual cycle that is not smooth. There are several types of pregnant fast foods that can help smooth the menstrual cycle. Some of the foods in question include carrots, peas, sweet potatoes. Dairy Products Besides being good for bone health, dairy products can also help increase fertility. Some of the dairy products in question include yogurt, milk and cheese. In choosing dairy products, you should choose a product that is low or fat free. Sweet potatoes are foods that are rich in vitamins and can help increase fertility. Based on several studies, in yams contained a substance that can stimulate ovulation. Foods Containing Zinc Zinc are important substances to speed up pregnancy. Zinc can help increase the quality of egg production, and help facilitate the menstrual cycle. One of the best foods containing zinc is oysters. However, if you have trouble getting oysters, you can replace food sources of zinc from foods such as grains, eggs, beef, dairy products and chicken meat. Mushrooms Besides being delicious, mushrooms are one of the healthiest foods and play a good role in maintaining the womb. Mushrooms are known as foods that are low in sodium, fat and calories. However, mushrooms are rich in nutrients and vitamin D.

Based on research, vitamins contained in mushrooms are good for uterine health and male or female fertility. Eating mushrooms regularly in the right portion can help improve the quality of male sperm and the quality of the female content. Fruits Some fruits are known to help improve fertility. The fruits in question include the following: 1. Oranges Citrus fruit is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C. The content of vitamin C in citrus fruits can help fertilize the womb, especially for men. The content of vitamin C in citrus fruits can help improve sperm quality and prevent sperm clumping. 2. Avocado Fruit Avocado is a fruit that is rich in folic acid content. Avocados contain about 90 mcg of avocado, equivalent to 22 percent of the body's daily needs. Folic acid itself is an important substance that can help nourish the womb. For those of you who are running a pregnant program, you can consume alupkat in the form of juice more often. 3. Tomatoes Tomatoes are one of the fruits that are rich in vitamin C and other important nutrients. In addition, tomatoes are known as fruits that have good antioxidants, good for the health of the body, including the health of the womb. Based on research, tomatoes are rich in lycopene and antioxidants. Where the content of tomatoes plays a role in getting rid of free radicals which is one of the causes of difficulty getting pregnant. Besides being good at increasing female fertility, tomatoes are believed to both improve the quality of male sperm. 4. Dates Fruit Date fruit is a fruit that has many benefits for health. In addition, dates are also useful for increasing fertility. Dates that can help improve fertility, namely young dates. 5. Raspberry berries, blueberries, strawberries are fruits that are high in antioxidants. The antioxidant content in these fruits can protect the body from aging and cell damage, including cells contained in the reproductive system. All fruits, including berries, are good for helping to nourish the womb.

6. Red Guava Red fruit can be used as a fruit to fertilize the womb. Inside this red guava contains lycopene which is very high as an antioxidant and can help nourish reproduction, both for women and for men. Sports Exercise To Get You Pregnant Fast Exercise that is carried out during the pregnancy program is certainly different from the exercise carried out to support health and fitness. You can do light exercise to support ovulation. If exercise is done too heavily it is not good because it will cause a miscarriage. Here are some types of exercise as a quick way to get pregnant: Walking Walking is considered an effective prenatal exercise. Walking has a mild impact and will not cause abdominal trauma. You can walk slowly every day as an exercise to get pregnant quickly. Even after getting pregnant later you can continue walking this sport. Swimming Swimming is a water sport that is preferred. In addition, swimming is a prenatal exercise which is quite effective as a way to get pregnant quickly. Some of the activities in the water you can do include swimming several rounds, practicing in groups and jogging in water. After you get pregnant, you can continue to do this exercise. To avoid some problems that will arise, you should first consult with a doctor. Cycling has many benefits and is considered an exercise that can help speed up pregnancy. Cycling can help stretch your thigh muscles and leg muscles, help you lose weight, increase circulation, promote blood flow and strengthen the pelvic muscles. Meditation Meditation can help make the mind more relaxed and beneficial for the health of the body. You will feel stressful and tense when you are running a pregnant program. This situation is not good because it will hinder your efforts to get pregnant quickly. Conversely, if you are calm, relaxed and peaceful, your body will remain fresh and healthy. One of the exercises you can do is yoga. Yoga can help increase blood flow in the body. Pilates Pilates can help strengthen the abdominal muscles, as well as prepare the resilience of the mother's body before becoming pregnant. This exercise can reduce the risk of back pain during pregnancy, and can help the postpartum recovery process. In addition, Pilates can also help you control stress. Which is where high stress can affect ovulation, sperm, and mood when having intercourse.

Tips for Doing Exercise to Get Pregnant Quickly If you are concerned about doing the above exercise can be risky, then you can do exercise with a few tips like the following: Before you decide to do exercise, then you can consult with your doctor first. Do sports with a time that is not too excessive or for approximately 30 minutes. If during exercise you are still able to speak normally, then the intensity of the exercise you do is fairly safe. Avoid some exercises that can increase the risk of falling or bumping into the abdominal area. It's best not to do scuba diving.

If all this time you have done pregnancy tips as mentioned above, but have not been blessed with pregnancy, it is better for you to take part in a pregnancy program delivered by Dr. Aprilianne, SpOg. In this program, he will provide information on how to get pregnant quickly, infertility problems, causal factors and solutions, how to treat drugs that can speed up your pregnancy, guide food types that are avoided if you want to get pregnant soon, tips and tricks to get pregnant quickly including the position of the good sex to increase the likelihood of you getting pregnant and there is still a lot of info that you can get from him. More importantly, you will be given a free consultation program directly with him via email. So that it will further complement the pregnancy program that you will run. With a free consultation with him, you can ask various things about your problems and how to overcome them, because of course the individual infertility problems vary, so that the program you follow will be more personal and directed. In addition, this tips program to get pregnant quickly through medical research and has shown the expected results. And this pregnancy program has been supported and recommended by Dr. Joe Wayne, SpOG, MARS is a sex gynecologist and consultant who we have known all along. And not only that, when you succeed in getting a pregnancy, you will also be given a complete guide for pregnant women and nutrition guidelines for pregnant women, so that the pregnancy you are undergoing will go well until the time of labor later.




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